Good food and good books shared with good friends—those things form a big part of my life. This week, besides sharing a few good books, I want to share a delicious new way to learn, grow, and share one's interests, whatever they may be. You guessed it, I'm talking about del.icio.us. Del.icio.us is a Web-based social bookmarking site that makes it easy for users to move from site to site while always returning with one click to his or her list of favorites. Not only that, del.icio.us provides new opportunities for readers (or Web surfers) to network with other readers (and surfers) with similar interests.
For example, fans of C. S. Lewis might wish to tag Lewis’s unofficial Web site Into the Wardrobe. Once you’ve tagged the site, you will not only find that 172 other people have tagged the site, you will be able to view other sites those 172 people have tagged that may also be of interest to you. [Disclaimer: naturally, you don’t know those people or how reputable or appropriate for your purposes their favorites may be. You should still always be diligent in checking the reliability of any source, especially any internet source, before singing its praises.]
Now, speaking of C.S. Lewis and all things delicious... Lewis once said that if you wanted to interest children in reading, you should write about things that interest children—things like, for example, food. Perhaps that's why we find so much eating in the world of Narnia—from sumptuous afternoon teas with fauns to fresh fish feasts with Mr. and Mrs. Beaver to turkish delight with, well, let's just say someone who proves in one gesture why children should never accept candy from strangers.
Lewis also offered some pretty delectable fare for the grown-up palate with his classic Garden of Eden allegory, Perelandra, set on the watery world of Venus. Written in the 1940s, the science may be dated, but the story is timeless—and you'll never forget Lewis' description of the Perelandran gourds, that are neither sharp nor sweet, neither savory nor voluptuous.
In any case, if you want to create a world to delight your readers, one where they may immerse themselves as one of the natives, there is no better way than though the cuisine. Here are just a few of my favorite visual and literary feasts that touch on the power of sharing a meal, a recipe, or a culinary custom:
Kitchen, by Banana Yoshimoto
Like Water for Chocolate, by Laura Esquivel
Neveryona, by Samuel R. Delany
Babette’s Feast (movie)
Please share your literary feasts with me, and if you find good sources for more, don’t forget to tag them and then share your tags with me!
More of a dinner-and-a-movie type? Don't forget to check out 000h How I Loved That Movie for plenty of film, food, and fun.
Man. I just love your blogging and writing. [I now know why you are a teacher.]
I am having some trouble with Del.icios, etc.; downloading the menu buttons to my Imac has been impossible so far. Not sure why. Am glad you and Sara are really enjoying it and feel a bit left out of my blogging posse, since I am not able to play.
Thanks for referring others to OOOH How I Loved that Movie....how sweet. You know, I think I need to check out Babette's Feast and Chocolate now.
I so appreciate having more opportunity through these KRL2pt0 classes to get to know you and Sara and other better. A great benefit!
I just subscribed to your and Sara's blogs updates on Bloglines. The RSS factoring in now.
I have some reservations about del.icio.us, but once you get the menu buttons, I think you'll like how easy it is to tag and to return to your favorites from anywhere on the Web. No more losing your starting place when you've clicked from one Web site to another--if you know what I mean. My reservations are around looking at other people's tagging--not so much the privacy thing, you can always choose not to have an account if you don't want people surfing your tags. It's more lingering concerns about how it can lead inexperienced Web searchers to rely on sites that are simply not credible or reliable as sources for research. This is my teaching side coming out. Overall, I do like the networking with people that you get to know better, like you and Sara. Started on RSS feeds and Bloglines before the power went out last night. The directions confused me, and oh no! not another new account!
One of my favorite literary feasts is Aphrodite by Isabelle Allende.
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